Rozio Painting and Renovations Services specializes in residential and commercial painting in Connecticut.
No job is too big or too small for our painters, and with a decade of experience, you can trust that the job gets done right the first time.
When you hire Rozio Painting and Renovations Services, you are guaranteed reliable, quality work through the entire process. From preparation, plastering, woodwork, sanding, and painting, our team of professional painters takes pride in completing the highest standard of work from start to finish.
Rozio Painting and Renovations perfected his craft working on the beautiful homes of the Connecticut Shoreline. Here we have a reputation for delivering quality workmanship at a competitive price. Frank prides himself on sincerity and devotion to all clients on every job. Nothing gives Frank more satisfaction than transforming a home or business and leaving the owner thrilled with its new look.
His crew of professional painters expertly prepares every surface before top-quality paint is used to guarantee a lasting interior and exterior painting finish.
Frank thrives on the challenge of improving the image of a commercial office or building through professional painting. He has worked hard to build quality relations with customers and businesses in the Connecticut area by providing top-quality, reliable, & efficient work. For a professional, timely, and dependable painting job that won't break the bank and won't flake, then don’t look any further than Rozio Painting and Renovations Services.
While our competitors look at painting a home or an office as a job, the Rozio Painting and Renovations team looks at it as a chance to help. A task they take very seriously. Most of our business is from repeat customers and/or customer referrals.
Frank’s professional crew is courteous and friendly while working on a job. They take care to keep out of your way and leave your property immaculate. All communication is professional and polite.
Frank knows his stuff when paint is involved too. Due to his many years' experience, he offers a wealth of information, tips, and tricks to ensure the paint you choose works best for your needs. Rozio Painting and Renovations only works with the highest quality paint and material.