7 Most Common Painting Mistakes To Avoid

September 22, 2021
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7 Most Common Painting Mistakes To Avoid

Nothing beats a fresh coat of paint to totally change a space. However, with so many paint possibilities available and so many chances to make a small mistake, even the most prepared painter is going to make a mistake.

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid while painting.


Using cheap Applicators

After spending a lot of money on paint, you might be tempted to buy cheap brushes and rollers to save money. However, you'll need to start with high-quality tools if you want effective results. Purchasing high quality applicators is certainly worth the additional cost.

Not cleaning the walls

When it comes to painting, it's always best to start from scratch. Before applying any paint, clean your walls and make sure all repair work is completed. Your wall should be clean, dry, and clear of any loose debris before applying paint.

Not purchasing sufficient paint

You've just finished painting the third wall and are nearing the mid of the project, but your paint can is nearly empty. Nobody wants to go to the store in the middle of the project. Take accurate measurements and estimates. Usually, 400 sq ft covers a gallon of paint. Add extra to your estimate for touch ups.

Ignoring the weather

If you're painting the outside of your house, make sure to check the humidity levels first. High humidity can cause water-based paints to take longer to dry. Consider delaying a day or two if it's going to be extremely humid.

Using the wrong paint

You're all set to repaint an existing task. You have to know what you're up against. Have you used an oil-based product on the surface? If you try to paint over it with latex paint, it will break and peel. If this is the case, you'll need to sand down the old oil-based paint before applying the new one. If you're unsure, simply take a sample of the paint to the store and ask a paint department staff.

Skipping the tape

The difference between mediocre and exceptional work is attention to detail. Don't skip the painter's tape for clean lines and high-quality results. Taping ensures that the clean edges you desire are achieved. Make sure the tape is well sealed around baseboards, windows, and molding to prevent bleeding.

Not protecting the surroundings

Paint has a tendency of getting into areas we didn't intend for it to go. Make sure your work zone is secure before opening the can. Move all of the furniture and remove all of the wall plates if possible. Then, using a drop cloth, cover the entire floor. When you're not wiping paint splatter off wood flooring later, you'll thank yourself for this ten-minute preparation.

Planning to paint your interiors? Contact an Interior Painter in Bristol, CT.

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