Paint texture that will rock in 2020

March 11, 2020
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Paint texture that will rock in 2020

When your home is a true blend of all the things that you love, it gives just the right vibes. Home décor is the key to making a comfy, cozy and aesthetically appealing home. Without a doubt, painting the walls with your favorite color and in the right texture and designs is one of the greatest ways to mold your home your preferred way. The experts at the best painting company state that it is the color that makes 75 percent of your home décor and rest is the add-ons. However, choosing the right texture idea for painting the walls is important. The trends keep on changing and hence you need to stay updated. If you are planning to revamp your home décor in 2020, here are the latest paint texture ideas:

Comforting texture with soft colors:

As the New Year starts, it is the time of the year when you get too busy chasing your dreams and goals for the year. Your home is one of those places where you take spend some time resting and planning your future course of action. When the walls of your home are painted in a comforting texture with soft colors, you get the desired solace at your place. Simple horizontal or vertical stripes made on any pastel color oil paint is the best way to make your living room all comfort giving.

Plain is still preferred:

Yes, while everyone is running behind trendy textures, there are some elite class homeowners who still love the old vibes of plain walls. When the walls are painted with beautiful color with a glossy finish and matched with a perfect lighting arrangement, there is no match to the appeal it creates.

Motifs for a little royalty:

If you are one of those homeowners who prefer to have a royal appeal in their homes, the motif art is just for you. The professional house painters use a range of stencils to create beautiful motifs on the walls of your home. You can choose the best design and suitable colors to make the desired impressions.

Let it combine:

Want something trendy to make your walls look bright and beautiful? Well, try the combination of bright colors painted over textured walls. The painters will prepare a textured wall by using pop and other substances. Once the texture is prepared, the interior painting professionals will cover it with your favorite colors.

So, these are some of the best painting trend ideas from the best house painting contractors in Connecticut that you can try to add glamor to your home.

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